Thursday, November 25, 2010


Disadvantages of Whistle blowing:
Whistle blowing can leads to a lot of problems. Some people don't like the whistle blowing and someone brings more interest to the light and they might try to do something for that. Some of one who watches the television has seen some of the writer's idea of what can happen to whistle blowers. Most number of real life stories abounded like that.
It gives more problems to people they lost their life, had their property threatened or family, been intimidated, lost a job and much more of problems like that. Whistle blowing is not to take easily as the consequences can make this choice dangerous and unattractive.
A whistle blower will document and research which authorities to approach with the information. The whistle blower will watch his back and seek supporting from others. A wise whistle blower will make sure she is correct in her accusations and seek to make changes in a way that allows the rule breaker a chance to make things right if possible.
The repercussions of whistle blowing will probably not be life threatening, but the repercussions of not whistle blowing when it's called for can destroy your peace of mind. Money and jobs are important, but peace of mind is even more important. So, blow that whistle, baby, and let the chips fall where they may. You will be the better person for it.
Whistle blowing can bring many negative repercussions. First, it can bring termination. It is difficult to remain, no matter how justifiable the decision to reveal illegalities and no matter how much the revelations actually benefit others. Second, big time revelations could bring down the company a la Enron, causing everyone to lose their jobs. Third, the whistle blower can get stigmatized as "disloyal" and be discredited in some way. Fourth, sometimes colleagues may exact some form of revenge or somehow "scapegoat" the person. Thus, the whistle blower is somehow blamed for the wrongdoing and fired without an opportunity for vindication. In small communities, the whistle-blower and family may be subject to hostile treatment, viewed as acting out of self-interest, perhaps to gain advancement at others' expense.

Whether to blow the whistle on colleagues or senior management is a highly personal decision. However, when the whistle blower is certain of illegal activity or that real harm exists to the public or to fellow workers that should tip the scales in favor of whistle blowing, regardless of the personal cost.

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